Stedroy Crump
Stedroy has been in love with Hip Hop ever since he was young. He was enrolled in dance classes at 8 years old, but really fell in love with the craft at 12 as he started to compete in local dance competitions. Meeting his cousin – Naquan – at this age made him hungry as ever to keep learning and growing since Naquan was far better than him and had never taken classes! This hunger helped Stedroy become the recipient of the Manitoba Dance Festival Scholarship(x2), taking home Gold at Dance World Cup (Niagara Falls), while being undefeated in all local dance competitions. Wayne Santos was Stedroy’s mentor growing up and he was fortunate to have met him at Marquis Dance Academy. Stedroy currently teaches at Kids Etc Youth Movement Company and strives to provide dancers with fun, challenging dance classes while ensuring a safe and inclusive environment. He recently graduated from the Asper School of Business and is excited to dedicate more of his time towards creating dance content that both entertains and stimulates the curiosity of the viewer.