COMMUNITY /// The Dance Post — Teacher Training

The Dance Post



The goal of The New Teachers Act is to develop emerging teachers by providing the resources and the opportunity to teach a professional level community class. 

We are looking for 1-3 New Teachers to receive this opportunity in our Fall Training Session.

How it works:

We will select up to three New Teachers who will be given a week of classes to teach.  Our Fall Session classes run on a Monday to Thursday schedule from October to December.  However, your week will run Monday to Friday, with Monday being a private test class with a Dance Post Director (Lise McMillan and/or Janelle Hacault) and 1 dancer of your choosing (class is free for your guest dancer).  This will allow you to prepare and solidify your exercises and class plans, as well make any changes before the Tuesday to Friday open classes. 

On Tuesday to Friday of your week, you will teach open community class.  During this time the Dance Post will provide you with on-going feedback received from anonymous comments by class attendees (attendees will have the options to send comments and feedback anonymously through

The Dance Post will provide you with:

 ·       1-2 days of Class Planning space at Stone’s Throw Artist House in Steinbach (optional): You can choose to plan your class from home, or at another studio space of your choosing at your own cost.  However, Lise McMillan’s studio in Steinbach is available to you     for 1-2 days for as many hours as you like, any time of day, rides may be available) *Consultation with a musician is an option at Stone’s Throw, however for your classes                you will be using recorded music.

 ·       1 week of free training:  You can choose 1 week of Dance Post Classes with the Teacher of your choosing at no cost.

·       50% of class attendees’ drop-in fees during your teaching week (up to a maximum of $25/class)

·       Through a partnership with Winnipeg’s Contemporary Dancers, the Rachel Browne Theatre will host The Dance Post Fall Training Session and The New Teachers Act

Who is eligible:

·       you must be a graduate of a professional dance training program and/or be recognized as a    professional by your peers

·       you must be a resident of Manitoba

·       this must be your first time teaching a professional community class

 How to submit your interest:

 Please submit a letter expressing your interest (1 -2 pages max). 

Include in your letter any previous teaching experience you might have, who are your teacher role models and influences, what type of class you would like to plan and teach with this opportunity, lastly, why this is the right time for you to utilize The New Teachers Act. 

Submission accepted as a single PDF to, with “The New Teachers Act” as the subject line.

Submission deadline: September 30th, 2015. 

You will receive an email confirming receipt of your submission and results will be emailed by October 9th, 2015 at which time dates for your week will be discussed and scheduled.

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